
Ontario’s Newest Generation Shockwave Therapy Unit

We are please to announce that the Northern Ontario Foot and Ankle Clinic has purchased Onatrio’s first next generation Extracorporal Shockwave Therapy Machine (ESWT). A detailed description is provided in the Services section, but as a synopsis, the TRT Dermagold is an Elctro-Hydrolic unit which is much better than the old Pneumatic units as the TRT Dermagold’s shockwave is more concentrated and penetrates deeper into the tissue providing much better clinical results.

The clinical uses are varied. There is new research that shows tremendous success in healing non healing wounds which reduces the risk of amputation. But the unit is excellent in cases of Orthopedic problems such as Heels Spuur Syndrome, Plantart Fasciitis,Achilles Tendonitis and slow healing bone. Athletes get back to the playing field much quicker after injury with the use of the TRT Dermagold ESWT. John D Lanthier Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Podiatrist /Foot Podiatrist has over a decade of clinical experience using the various shockwave units and he finds this one the best.